What it's all about

My goal with this blog is to update daily fitness, wellness, and health tips to keep you motivated in reaching your goals, every day of the year!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fit Tip: How accurate are those nutrition labels at your favorite restaurant?

Restaurant and packaged foods can have more calories than nutrition labeling indicates. Read this article to see how accurate those labels have to be... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100105100021.htm

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fit Tip: If a food can out-live you on a shelf...

it's probably not going to be healthy for your body. Stick to foods that will go bad if you don't consume them in a decent amount of time. The less processed the food, the less time it can stay on a store's shelf. Eat foods that can "live" AND "die", like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, eggs, fish. These foods will eventually go bad, thus, not out-living you on a shelf. www.liveforitall.com

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fit Tip: If you don't enjoy it, you won't do it...

I've heard all too often, "I just hate to exercise." To me, it's just another excuse... it's not real. But I do agree, that if you hate doing something, you're very unlikely to stick with it. And since we all know how important exercise is to our well-being and health, we need to figure out how to enjoy it. Maybe running's not your thing... that doesn't mean you can't do any other type of exercise. If you enjoy working out with others, then find a fun class that you love. Or take your kids for a walk. If dancing's your thing, then go dancing! Do it often, it's a great workout! When you're enjoying the activity, you don't look at it as "exercise." So, try to find something you enjoy doing, and if you really are resistant to enjoying any type of movement, then fake it till you actually do... it's THAT important to your health. www.liveforitall.com

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fit Tip: Listen to Plato...

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it" -Plato

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fit Tip: Find the Time

I'll be ending the week with a quote for you to think about over the weekend. I hope it helps to inspire you to keep moving!

"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness" -Earl of Derby. www.liveforitall.com

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fit Tip: Smelly Shoes

We've all had them... Shoes that smell bad. Running shoes are no exception. So, if you've been running in the rain, or your feet are juts plain smelly, and you notice that your shoes are starting to stink, place a dryer sheet in them when you're not wearing them. This will get the shoes smelling laundry fresh! Just remember to take the dryer sheet out before you wear the shoes again! www.liveforitall.com

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fit Tip: Never put your running shoes in the dryer

As we're experiencing tons of rain here in California this week, it's important to remember that it's OK to run in the rain. In fact, it's probably my favorite type of weather to run in and have FUN. It's very liberating, and reminds you of being a kid, running right through the puddles, rather than worrying about stepping around them. However, when you take your soaking running shoes off, you may be tempted to put them in the dryer to dry them out. DON'T DO THIS. The dryer will break down the integrity of the shoes, their support, etc. The shoes will wear out way faster if you do this, leaving you more prone to injuries. The best thing to do is to take out the insoles and let them air dry. You can stuff them with newspaper or papertowels to absorb the water. But again, air drying them is the best thing to do. Hope this helps you stay active and running through all weather conditions! www.liveforitall.com

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fit Tip: Floss Your Teeth!

Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School researchers studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing. Because it removes bacteria from the teeth and gums, flossing helps to prevent periodontal disease and gingivitis. Another study found that men with periodontitis had a whopping 72% greater risk of developing coronary disease. Gingivitis was associated with a 42% increased risk for men. Nov 2002

Another reason we should have listened to our mothers when they told us to brush and floss! They just wanted us to live longer.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fit Tip: "Bad excuses are worse than none"

Today's fit tip is a quote to help you get your week off to a good start. Remember, any excuse is just a lie that you tell yourself. So stop lying to yourself!

"Bad excuses are worse than none."
- Thomas Fuller

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fit Tip: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Going for a walk. Eating healthy nutritious foods (rather, choosing to eat healthy foods instead of non-nutritous processed foods), taking the stairs not the elevator, meditation, exercise & physical activity, library books, sleep, sitting in the sun, singing in the rain, thinking good thougths, the list goes on. But most importantly, your HEALTH is free. That is, if you take care of it, like the gift it is. Don't get caught up on all of the things we buy, because we can lose them at any moment. Put your energy and effort into those things that you cannot buy... yourself, your health, your body, mind, and spirit. No matter what stocks rise or fall... what jobs come and go... if we don't have our health, we cannot experience the life we're living. Take some time out today, to do something good for your health. Offer the gift of a smile... it's always free. http://www.liveforitall.com/newsletterjan10.pdf

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fit Tip: High Energy Elevates Low Energy...

Not the other way around. Don't let others with negative energy bring you down. Give off your best positive energy to help them bring their low energy up, rather than allow them to bring yours down.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fit Tip: Help an old lady cross the street

Yes, we've all heard the saying. Help an old lady cross the street. But does that opportunity actually ever happen? Yesterday, I was on a walk, and I ran into an older woman, maybe in her 70s, who looked like she was having trouble walking. She would take a few steps, then stop and lean on the fence. Most people would just walk by, thinking nothing of it, but I knew I needed to do more. I first offered her a smile and said hello. When she smiled back and said hello, I could see in her eyes she was all right, but was having trouble. So, I asked her if she needed help to her car, which was parked across the street. She said no, but that she was feeling like she "ran out of gas." So, I could have continued on my walk, but I would have felt horrible if I walked away, and she couldn't make it across the street. So, I walked with her to her car, to make sure she made it safely... and asked if she was all right to drive... Moral of the story, this not only made her day probably, but it made mine too. Sometimes, it's not about always getting help, but giving help that makes us feel good. It was a small act of kindness, but the positive feelings it left me with, was enough to remind me that you get more out of giving, than receiving. So, when the opportunity in your life arises, help an old lady cross the street.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fit Tip: When you eat crap...

You feel like crap... Don't believe me? Go ahead and give it a try... wait 20 minutes, then let me know how you feel. Trust me, it's not worth it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fit Tip: Draw Yourself

In your wellness journal, use a page to draw what you believe you look like at this exact moment. Then, in several months, after working hard at your fitness and wellness, I'll ask you to do the same thing. It will be interesting to note any differences in how you perceive yourself. This is interesting if you actually do it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Act as If

Act as if you already have it... One of my clients said to me yesterday, "I've changed my thoughts and now I say WHEN I run a 5k, rather than IF I can run a 5k." And, the reason I'm doing this blog today... even though I don't have many readers and blog followers YET, I am acting as if I already do. If I didn't "act as if" then this post would not exist!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The benefits of a Wellness Journal

My first tip for the blog, and a great way to start the new year, is to create a wellness journal. It will come in handy, as you write down your goals, motivational quotes, etc. Also, I'll be creating "challenges" and activities throughout the year, that you can add into your wellness journal to help you improve your overall wellness. Mind, body, and spirit. So, get that journal and use it as you wish, but try to keep all entries in it focused on improving your health. It will be neat to look back upon in a year, to see how you've changed your health over the course of a year... and HOW you did it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome to Live For It All's Fit Tip Blog!

Find out more information about programs I've got going on in California and throughout the country at www.liveforitall.com. Check back daily for health, wellness, and fitness tips to help you stay motivated in reaching your goals!

2010 Motto: "No Excuses"

"Put Your Money Where Your Health Is"