What it's all about

My goal with this blog is to update daily fitness, wellness, and health tips to keep you motivated in reaching your goals, every day of the year!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fit Tip: Put it down on paper to help you find the time

At the beginning of the week, or at the start of your day, write down your exercise/workout goal for the day,in your daily planner. Those who actually schedule exercise into their daily routine, are more likely to actually do it. I am a person who likes to cross things off a list as I complete the tasks, so by having "go for a run" or "upper body strength" written down, I cannot skip it, even if other things come up. I must get the exercise completed in order to cross it off my daily list. See if this works for you too. Give it a try. I promise you will be more successful in finding the time to exercise. Remember, 2010 motto: No Excuses. Time is not an excuse either. WWW.LIVEFORITALL.COM

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2010 Motto: "No Excuses"

"Put Your Money Where Your Health Is"