What it's all about

My goal with this blog is to update daily fitness, wellness, and health tips to keep you motivated in reaching your goals, every day of the year!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fit Tip: Moving Meditation

Ever since I was a little girl, exercise was my form of meditation. It was what I knew to do, to clear my head, solve problems, and just "be." Growing up, I was a swimmer, so I'd get in the pool, and just go. I didn't count laps, time, or flip turns. I just got into an auto-pilot zone, and thought about anything...nothing... all at the same time. If I had a problem, I'd go until I felt better, or solved the problem. It's just something that helped me. Nowadays, I am swimming less, (though I hope to get back into it this summer more!) but I use running/walking as my moving meditations. Some days I'll go for an hour or two walk, or when I just want to clear my head, and not really think about anything, I'll go for a long run. I use music sometimes, but I also enjoy the peace and quiet; especially if I'm out on a bike trail, with nature. For me, this works. Maybe bicycling is your thing, or swimming. But the key is to just go out and do it. Don't push yourself too hard. Just find a comfortable pace that you can sustain for a longer period of time. My challenge to you: Next time you've got a challenge in your life, go for a "moving meditation" exercise, and see if you feel better afterwards. WWW.LIVEFORITALL.COM

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