What it's all about

My goal with this blog is to update daily fitness, wellness, and health tips to keep you motivated in reaching your goals, every day of the year!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fit Tip: Attracting the right types of people into your life: part 1

It's time to take a look at those who surround us every day. Are they enriching our lives? Are they hindering our growth? Are they helping us grow, in all ways, as a better, happier, more loving person? Let's break it down, with a small assignment, or "homework" as I call it with my clients.

First and foremost, I want you to write a list of 10-15 character qualities that are in the people who surround you most. You can focus on your co-workers/business parnters, or family and friends. Looking objectively at these people, what character traits do they have. Are they loving? selfish? jealous, caring? etc? Make this list. This is your first assignment.

Stay tuned for the next step!


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