What it's all about

My goal with this blog is to update daily fitness, wellness, and health tips to keep you motivated in reaching your goals, every day of the year!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fit Tip: Don't let your food touch

One technique you can use on your Thanksgiving holiday to avoid overeating, but still allow you to enjoy everything you want, is to not let your food touch. Remember when you were a kid and you didn't want the bacon to touch the pancakes? (or, if you're an adult, like me, who still can't stand when food touches. If you make sure there's space between each type of food on your dinner plate, you are less likely to pile on the heaps, and enjoy smaller servings of each food. Then, by the time you clean your plate, you may possibly be full, and skip second servings! But studies show, the less you put on your plate, the less you will eat, subconsciously.


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